Terms & Conditions


Braw Hame is a professional service. I will ever divulge any client information to third parties without written consent. 

I am registered with the ICO in relation my obligations under data protection legislation.  My privacy statement can be found here.

If you agree, I would like to be able to take before and after photos for my personal reference and / or, for use on my website. I will only do this with your written consent and all photos used would be anonymous. 


I may incur expenses in relation to items and materials that I will need to have prior to starting an engagement.  These will be rechargeable to you.  I will only acquire such items and materials in advance of an engagement with your written consent.

I appreciate that cancellations on both sides are sometimes unavoidable.

If you cancel within 48 hours of our agreed start time and do not reschedule to a date within two months, I reserve the right to charge up to 50% of the contract price along with any expenses incurred by me on your behalf, and with your prior written approval to incur such expenses, up to that date. 

If you do reschedule and cancel again the full amount will be due. 

If cancellation is on the day of contract, I may charge up to 100% of the agreed contract price along with any expenses incurred by me on your behalf, and with your prior written approval to incur such expense, up to that date. 


Removal of any items will be your responsibility. I can advise but will not be able to physically remove items from your premises. 

I will provide opinions and suggestions during the decluttering process. It is entirely your choice as to whether you discard items and I accept no responsibility for actions you may decide to take. 


While the decluttering and reorganising process is being carried out pets and children should not be in the vicinity for everyone’s safety. The only exemption being the coaching services for children. 

You must inform me before any visit of any pest or infestation issues on your premises. If such issues exist and these prevent me from undertaking the engagement, this will be deemed a cancellation on the day, and I reserve the right to apply the cancellation terms as detailed within this document.

If access to your premises is restricted or unsafe, I reserve the right to charge for lost time and expenses. If access issues prevent me from undertaking the engagement, this will be deemed a cancellation on the day, and I reserve the right to apply the cancellation terms as detailed within this document. 

I will leave your name and address with my daughter for safety on site. 

I will not be able to move / lift any large or heavy items so you may require a third party to help with this. 


My standard hours of work are between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. My availability outside of these hours and at weekends is subject to discussion.  See pricing.

For full day sessions I will take a 30-minute lunch break which you will not be charged for.  If I am working alongside you, we will take things at your pace taking a break whenever you need too. 


I am happy to advise on the use of other services, handymen, cleaners etc and can help organise. I will not be liable for any failure of services on their part, nor any damage caused by them. Any monies due to third parties must be paid directly to them. 

I can advise and research on shopping for items. I am happy to buy them but payment to me must be made at the time of purchase. I will not make any purchases on your behalf without prior formal instruction (this can be via text message or e-mail).

As I declutter and reorganise, I am happy to wipe down surfaces and undertake light vacuuming. Braw Hame is not, however, a cleaning service. 


Fees for my services are as follows:

  • Initial consultations and chats via e-mail and phone call to determine your requirements are free of charge.
  • £25 for a 30 to 60 minute consultation in your home (plus travel costs if not local). 
  • £20 for a 30 to 60 minute virtual consultation. 

Consultation fees are payable in advance.

Decluttering sessions are bookable in sessions of three hours or more. I will confirm with you, after the consultation, the services we have agree upon and the time needed to undertake the tasks.

Payment for the agreed service must be received by me no later than 24 hours before `I am due to commence work. If extra hours are required to complete the task, they will be payable at the end of the session. 

I will charge from when I arrive on site until the time I leave excluding my lunch break. 

Hours of work are between 8.30am till 5.30pm mon/Fri. Any hours out with this will be charged at £45 per hour. 

I accept Bacs payments, and cash. 


I have public liability insurance for £1 million 


I will take great care of your possessions, but accidents can happen and I shall not be liable for loss or damage however caused. You should have your own insurance which would cover this. 

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